marți, 19 aprilie 2016

De ce sa aleg folia de imitatie sablare

Folia imitatie sablare este una speciala ce are rolul de a fi o versiune mai ieftina, insa raportul calitate pret este unul important de luat in calcul. Acest tip de folie are o suprafata semi lucioasa, astfel ca reflexia luminii deranjante este indepartata, in timp ce impactul vizual este pe masura. Ideala pentru infrumusetarea incaperilor din sticla, folia imitatie sablare se afla in topul preferintelor reprezentantilor domeniului, deoarece sablarea poate fi atat partiala, cat si totala, in functie de dorinte, in timp ce modelul special ales se decupeaza.

Fiecare firma isi poate alege ca sigla sa fie evidentiata, iar foliile autocolante se combina cu cele fie printate, fie colorate manual, astfel incat sa se ajunga la indeplinirea preferintelor clientilor, la preturi mult mai scazute.

Servicii asigurate

Specialistii din domeniu sunt nevoiti sa asigure servicii complete, de cea mai inalta calitate, care sa includa atat, proiectarea, cat si simularea, astfel incat sa aiba siguranta lucrului bine facut. Urmatorul pas este productia propriu zisa, urmand ca montajul sa reprezinte ultima etapa a procedurii. Toate materialele folosite sunt de calitate, iar foliile cele mai cunoscute sunt produse de Orafol si 3M. Cu toate acestea, in functie de preferinte si necesitati, aceste folii se gasesc in trei tipuri, economic, de calitate medie si de top. Durata de viata a acestor materiale este regula, de pana la 7 ani, insa aspectul difera in functie de conditiile de utilizare.

Asadar, o solutie foarte potrivita se poate dovedi a fi folia imitatie sablare. Fie ca este nevoie de decorarea spatiului din cladirile de birouri sau a ferestrelor aferente, a magazinelor, spatiilor comerciale, birourilor si poate chiar a propriei locuinte. Incaperea unde este folosita aceasta folie ofera un plus de personalitate si intimitate, astfel ca cei care isi petrec timpul acolo sa se simta mult mai confortabil.

marți, 12 aprilie 2016

A new way to sell/buy houses

A new investor is into town and building a whole block of apartments and he is want to sell them. The usual way of doing that is contacting and real estate dealer and make him an offer about getting clients for those houses. A lot of commission is involved in the process. What if I told you that there is another way of doing it, of finding clients and letting them see the apartments inside and outside without all the hassle. That option is called software for virtual tours and it will be the future way of selling a house.

Let me explain you the process because it’s very simple and easy to use. You take a lot of pictures about the property inside and outside that are relevant to the viewer. After that we use them to create what is called a 3D view of the apartment or of the house. Is basically a way of travelling trough the interior of it using a mouse. All this is done is approximately 15 minutes. After that everyone can see the house you’re selling and you can start attracting potential clients.

Using software for virtual tours is simple for the user too. All one needs is a laptop, internet connection and everything is set. You enter on the site and take the tour like you were actually in that place. Every detail is visible and understandable and everything is done in the comfort of your home. So no need for making appointments for a simple tour when everything can be done in every moment by everyone and for how long they want.

Buying a house and selling one are complicated processes made simple by the software for virtual tours. Try it and see the potential in it for advertising and also prospecting the viable options.