vineri, 24 iunie 2016

Romania - a nice country with good services

I have been traveling in Bucharest recently, which is basically my birth town, although now I live far, far away from my beloved country. And I have to say that I was impressed (as every time when I am going back home, even for a small period of time) with the local people, with the way they are choosing to live their lives.

Now… as you probably already know, Romania is not a rich country, not at all, but it is also not like Rwanda, or like other extremely poor countries in the world.

Those people really love to live on the edge, they like good food, strong beer, old wine and of course, luxury cars. And with all this luxury, it also comes a large cost of life, that it seems that the most people can afford in a way or another.  But to be hones… the times have changed in the last 10 years, as you see on the streets well dressed people, you see a lot of expensive cars, a lot of stores that are able to sell a wide range of products, that you don’t even see in some more developed countries, so yes – those people can afford a good life.

In one of those days when I stayed in Bucharest I was invited to a wedding, a huge Romanian wedding, and of course, there were a several hundred people (which is in fact more or less a typical Romanian wedding) – but the thing that really impressed me was that they got a limo (I mean – the couple got a limo, a very nice one, with all the necessary things, with a driver, with all the luxury things and the confort).

I could not believed my eyes that from all the countries that I was seeing, it happened only in Romania to see a limo at a certain wedding.

joi, 23 iunie 2016

Masinile se vand foarte bine prin intermediul anunturilor auto

Se intampla des ca pe internet sa apara tot felul de site-uri cu anunturi gratuite auto, care atrag utilizatorii cu fel de fel de avantaje, insa pentru a vinde un produs este nevoie de un numar foarte mare de utilizatori, aspect de care nu beneficiaza toate aceste site-uri.

De ce sa vinzi masina pe internet?

In primul rand pentru ca este gratuit, nu te costa nimic sa postezi un anunt cu autoturismul personal pentru a-l putea vinde in cel mai scurt timp. In online este foarte usor sa se transmita un zvon de la o persoana la alta, iar o masina cu un pret bun, cu siguranta ca va atrage foarte multi doritori. De asemenea, sa postezi in categoria anunturi gratuite auto este foarte usor, iar in doar cateva minute descrierea masinii si imaginile pot fi incarcate. Datorita faptului ca tehnologia evolueaza constant, varianta publicarii anunturilor la ziar este de moda veche, iar site-urile cu anunturi sunt la mare cautare in ziua de azi.

Anuntul potrivit

Pentru a creste sansele de a-ti vine autoturismul mai repede in online, trebuie sa alcatuiesti o descriere care sa includa toate elementele ce merita mentionate, pentru ca posibilii cumparatori sa aiba la cunostinta orice informatie si a nu mai deranja cu telefoane pentru nimicuri. In plus, imaginile trebuie sa fie reprezentative, sa arate fiecare unghi al masinii, atat din exterior si interior, iar posibilele defecte fizice trebuie evidentiate fie prin fotografii, fie mentionate in descriere.

De asemenea, site-urile cu anunturi gratuite auto reprezinta locul ideal si pentru cei care isi doresc sa cumpere o masina, intrucat postarea fiind gratuita, proprietarii vor fi indemnati sa publice anuntul cu autoturismul personal, deoarece nu au nimic de pierdut. Asadar, cu cat sunt publicate mai multe anunturi, cu atat cresc sansele ca vanzatorul sa gaseasca un client de incredere, iar cumparatorul sa achizitioneze autoturismul mult dorit.